Intuitive Integrative Chiropractic


Dr. Michael Baba was led to chiropractic after a childhood filled with bumps, scrapes and many sports. At age 18 he was introduced to energy healing and Network Spinal Analysis, it was not until years later his bodily and spiritual pain would lead him to receive full time Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic care. This led him to a consciousness evolution and a seeking of TRUTH in his life, seeking the light of awareness in all areas of his life. He has learned many different healing modalities along his journey of healing, including various energetic, psychological and physical techniques. He uses a combination of modalities in conjunction with chiropractic to give the most beneficial healing of your being as a whole. Dr. Michael has a gift and a passion for helping you find wholeness.

Dr. Michael Baba was led to chiropractic after a childhood filled with bumps, scrapes and many sp... Read More

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Located at: 1565 Hotel Circle South, Suite 350, San Diego
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